Tuesday, December 29, 2015

At Odds

Astrology nowadays is like a religion. Without a spiritual leader, without actual temples. But there is no person on this earth (at least, I believe the most) who do not know their astrological sign. Thus it's like the second most craved thing after the real faith, whatever that might be.

It has been mainly predominated by the western principles, of course, but there is the Indian system, the Chinese, the so called Aztec.... And so on.

This talks require adequate analysis, but some other time, I promise. Now, I must point out a thought that has been running inside my head for a long time.

True connoisseurs of astrology know a secret, so big one, that can make you dizzy. Not just revealing it would make all the business and profit from astrology evaporate, but it can make a mess with the people's beliefs. Yes, beliefs.

Have you wondered, what is going on below the equator with all the known astrological principles?

Just a rhetorical question. At least, for now.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Predictions: 22 December 2015 - 21 March 2016 !

At the dawn of the last quadrant for this year, I must point out a few observations about the period that has started on 22nd December 2015 and will last until 21st of March 2016.

22 December 2015 Ingres chart for Moscow

For larger perimeter of the East Europe, Middle East and Eastern Africa, in the ingress chart Mars is positioned high in the sky, right at the Medium Coeli. It has Sextile with the Sun, but a really bad square with Mercury and Pluto.

What does it mean?

Every country's government with it's capital placed on the longitude beginning with 18 degrees east, up to 40 degrees east, will face big problems. Every kind of pressure. There will be deaths in the ruling circles, assassinations or at least attempts for such activities. Possible war/rebel outbreaks against governments if there are such conditions. 

Mars is in Libra, so particularly vulnerable are capital cities ruled by Libra or countries in general ruled by Libra, such as Vienna and Austria, than Belgrade, Sofia (I'm not sure about Ukraine and Kiev), that have at least Mars in 10th, if not in the MC.

Look at the red line (I've done it manually, in Paint) on all three maps. 

Red vertical line is the longitude (Meridian) of 39 degrees, the Medium Coeli, where Mars is having it's most striking influence. Diagonal lines are territories affected as Mars is in their 10th house.
The most critical influences will appear in the area of 30 to 40 degrees longitude. I expect there to be the worst of this situation. As of Europe, closest to the 39th degree, where Mars is exact in MC, I find Moscow. So, I fear of possible attacks over there, similar as those in Paris, having in mind Russia's greater involvement in the war in Syria. Kiev and Ukraine will face possible crisis, even a possible dissolvement with the eastern regions is in sight. 

 Middle East, again a barrel of gunpowder
Like it has not enough problems, now Middle East will face even more. There is no need to emphasize that most of the capitals over there are near 39th degree. I expect war in Syria to go worse in the casualties and even a beginning of a ground operations of the great countries against ISIS. No need to point out that the fights in Turkey between Kurd's and government official forces can escalate. Even a civil war is possible. Egypt, as country Libra, can get in trouble with nation ruled by Mars, such as Israel. Cairo is a potential target of terrorists, at least.  All mentioned above, counts here also.

In Africa, I find Eritrea's capital Asmara and Ethiopian, Addis Ababa with Mars on their's MC. Possible activation of their conflict, as Ethiopia still holds the region Badme. Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique are to be cautious. Specially South Africa, as nation Libra. I point out Libya, also a nation Libra, as there the conflicts between fractions never actually ceased after Qaddafi's fall. 

Last quadrant for Rome, capital of Italy

As Mars leaves 10th house and the tension of violence decreases, the afflicted Pluto and Mercury enter 2nd house. As in Western Europe. Potential financial recession, but the governments won't fall because there is Jupiter now on the Medium Coeli to hold them. Afflicted Saturn is on the Ascendant or in the 1st house - poverty, misery, apathy, discontent of the people. Rome and Berlin are on the same line, but Merkel and Renzi won't fall. That can cause closing of the borders both for refugees and immigrants, shifting the pressure to the countries along the immigrant route, most likely at the Balkans. France, Britain, Portugal and Spain can face financial troubles, but they will bear.

Not with the brightest predictions, but alas, I just try to recognize what has Sky written for us. Hope all this is gonna help somebody...

Thanks to ltradio.org and ezilon.com for the maps.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Uranus in Aries Part Three: My rough prediction about the close future

The point with my previous posts (Part One and Part Two) was to emphasize the changes that Uranus transiting Aries initiates towards humankind. But the actual damage comes after: when Uranus enters Taurus. While in Aries, it arises the spirits, it sets the mind, ideas are born and their realization begins. In Taurus, things are more material. Thus, the damage.

The more planets conjoint with Uranus together, the more damage. Look the 3 biggest planets in 1940: Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus in Taurus - when devastation of the WW2 begun.

Now, we have unstable Middle East, serious warfare activities in Syria, tensed Arab world, from Turkey to Algeria. The cradle of the western thought and culture, with significantly altered demographics since WW2, and now with the migrant flux, daily counting even more than 10 000 refugees -  Europe, got destabilized, attacked. France responded militarily. Like it was not enough, even Russia had to intervene, justifying their involvement with defending their national interests. They bombed severely all positions of the Islamic State, including their oil routes. Turkey, a muslim power, got itself in the middle: between ISIS being fellow Sunni Muslims, and the western + Russia determination to fight against ISIS. Russian plane was crashed in a doubtful situation. Now Russia stroke even more, presenting Turkey's involvement in ISIS's oil trade, with the disclosure of "wheel pipeline". Everything is so mixed and blurry. And Europe is falling apart, it's own ideology - the solidarity, has been shaken with the walls built along the borders.

What is to be expected?

It's just a rough prediction, based on all history lessons I've learned studying the Uranus transit throughout the years. The pattern always is: initiation and huge tension, and than huge and merciless war. And afterwards is the devastation, the ruining. At the end, a new power in lead with the world.

I can predict huge military clash. We shall see more and more warfare in the beginning right there, at the Middle East. At first, only through air attacks, and than afterwards in actual field combats. Many old territories will be fragmented, and new will emerge. Downfall of great nations. When is all this to be expected?

2018. When Uranus enters Taurus.

2024 Uranus transits over Algol, the worst fixed star that brings all the misery and destruction, now will bring the worst clash ever. Potential use of massive destruction weapons, maybe nuclear, chemical, or some new, still unheard of, or still unproduced. There will be no winners and no defeated: just lots of dead people.

The spirits in Germany will be shaken: they will tire of baring the burden of "unified" Europe, and Europe Union will dissolve. I expect huge change-course events to come right from there.

Next after Syria, as nation Aries, being already destructed, I expect the impact of fragmentation of lands and borders to fall into Turkey and it's territory to shrink considerably. Especially in the East.

I fear a lot for Israel. Being nation under influence of Aries, also like Syria and bordered with all-muslim states, it's involvement in the clash is almost imminent. But I'm not certain that the outcome will be favorable for Israel... 

Unfortunately for me, I think that Balkans will be again the bloodbath of Europe. Even predominantly inhabited with Slavic peoples, much similar one to another, there is fear in me that they will fight each other. Again. And again because of religion. Orthodox, Catholic and Muslim will explode like a barrel of gunpowder. But I don't expect this this before 2024. New borders, new territories, new countries even.

As for Russia, I expect that it shall gain more territories and power (Russia being nation Aquarius, thus Uranus, in Taurus = territories). Like it always has, throughout history, after great warfare activities. 

USA is the world's undisputed superpower currently. There is no way they will stay aside from this mess, much because most of it was actually created by them, and their 500 billion dollars annual military budget. But, any kind of involvement from their part will be unfortunate upon them. History teaches us that leaders are always dethroned after this kind of Uranus transit (Uranus being ruiner of the old and creator of the new, revolution, leader-sacker), bringing to us new ones to lead. USA on the long scale shall be fragmented also, much alike the European Union, because of it's multi-national structure of the population. I don't expect this to happen before Uranus reaches Leo, year 2038.

Who will lead? Russia? No. It's going to strengthen a lot, like never before, but it will be affected too much from the turmoils. And it is not yet their time to lead the world. Age of Aquarius is yet long, 2300 years from now.

I expect some other country, possibly a mix of various countries from the third world. Japan maybe. Brazil. India.

China for sure. But not before year 2050.