Tuesday, December 29, 2015

At Odds

Astrology nowadays is like a religion. Without a spiritual leader, without actual temples. But there is no person on this earth (at least, I believe the most) who do not know their astrological sign. Thus it's like the second most craved thing after the real faith, whatever that might be.

It has been mainly predominated by the western principles, of course, but there is the Indian system, the Chinese, the so called Aztec.... And so on.

This talks require adequate analysis, but some other time, I promise. Now, I must point out a thought that has been running inside my head for a long time.

True connoisseurs of astrology know a secret, so big one, that can make you dizzy. Not just revealing it would make all the business and profit from astrology evaporate, but it can make a mess with the people's beliefs. Yes, beliefs.

Have you wondered, what is going on below the equator with all the known astrological principles?

Just a rhetorical question. At least, for now.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Predictions: 22 December 2015 - 21 March 2016 !

At the dawn of the last quadrant for this year, I must point out a few observations about the period that has started on 22nd December 2015 and will last until 21st of March 2016.

22 December 2015 Ingres chart for Moscow

For larger perimeter of the East Europe, Middle East and Eastern Africa, in the ingress chart Mars is positioned high in the sky, right at the Medium Coeli. It has Sextile with the Sun, but a really bad square with Mercury and Pluto.

What does it mean?

Every country's government with it's capital placed on the longitude beginning with 18 degrees east, up to 40 degrees east, will face big problems. Every kind of pressure. There will be deaths in the ruling circles, assassinations or at least attempts for such activities. Possible war/rebel outbreaks against governments if there are such conditions. 

Mars is in Libra, so particularly vulnerable are capital cities ruled by Libra or countries in general ruled by Libra, such as Vienna and Austria, than Belgrade, Sofia (I'm not sure about Ukraine and Kiev), that have at least Mars in 10th, if not in the MC.

Look at the red line (I've done it manually, in Paint) on all three maps. 

Red vertical line is the longitude (Meridian) of 39 degrees, the Medium Coeli, where Mars is having it's most striking influence. Diagonal lines are territories affected as Mars is in their 10th house.
The most critical influences will appear in the area of 30 to 40 degrees longitude. I expect there to be the worst of this situation. As of Europe, closest to the 39th degree, where Mars is exact in MC, I find Moscow. So, I fear of possible attacks over there, similar as those in Paris, having in mind Russia's greater involvement in the war in Syria. Kiev and Ukraine will face possible crisis, even a possible dissolvement with the eastern regions is in sight. 

 Middle East, again a barrel of gunpowder
Like it has not enough problems, now Middle East will face even more. There is no need to emphasize that most of the capitals over there are near 39th degree. I expect war in Syria to go worse in the casualties and even a beginning of a ground operations of the great countries against ISIS. No need to point out that the fights in Turkey between Kurd's and government official forces can escalate. Even a civil war is possible. Egypt, as country Libra, can get in trouble with nation ruled by Mars, such as Israel. Cairo is a potential target of terrorists, at least.  All mentioned above, counts here also.

In Africa, I find Eritrea's capital Asmara and Ethiopian, Addis Ababa with Mars on their's MC. Possible activation of their conflict, as Ethiopia still holds the region Badme. Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique are to be cautious. Specially South Africa, as nation Libra. I point out Libya, also a nation Libra, as there the conflicts between fractions never actually ceased after Qaddafi's fall. 

Last quadrant for Rome, capital of Italy

As Mars leaves 10th house and the tension of violence decreases, the afflicted Pluto and Mercury enter 2nd house. As in Western Europe. Potential financial recession, but the governments won't fall because there is Jupiter now on the Medium Coeli to hold them. Afflicted Saturn is on the Ascendant or in the 1st house - poverty, misery, apathy, discontent of the people. Rome and Berlin are on the same line, but Merkel and Renzi won't fall. That can cause closing of the borders both for refugees and immigrants, shifting the pressure to the countries along the immigrant route, most likely at the Balkans. France, Britain, Portugal and Spain can face financial troubles, but they will bear.

Not with the brightest predictions, but alas, I just try to recognize what has Sky written for us. Hope all this is gonna help somebody...

Thanks to ltradio.org and ezilon.com for the maps.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Uranus in Aries Part Three: My rough prediction about the close future

The point with my previous posts (Part One and Part Two) was to emphasize the changes that Uranus transiting Aries initiates towards humankind. But the actual damage comes after: when Uranus enters Taurus. While in Aries, it arises the spirits, it sets the mind, ideas are born and their realization begins. In Taurus, things are more material. Thus, the damage.

The more planets conjoint with Uranus together, the more damage. Look the 3 biggest planets in 1940: Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus in Taurus - when devastation of the WW2 begun.

Now, we have unstable Middle East, serious warfare activities in Syria, tensed Arab world, from Turkey to Algeria. The cradle of the western thought and culture, with significantly altered demographics since WW2, and now with the migrant flux, daily counting even more than 10 000 refugees -  Europe, got destabilized, attacked. France responded militarily. Like it was not enough, even Russia had to intervene, justifying their involvement with defending their national interests. They bombed severely all positions of the Islamic State, including their oil routes. Turkey, a muslim power, got itself in the middle: between ISIS being fellow Sunni Muslims, and the western + Russia determination to fight against ISIS. Russian plane was crashed in a doubtful situation. Now Russia stroke even more, presenting Turkey's involvement in ISIS's oil trade, with the disclosure of "wheel pipeline". Everything is so mixed and blurry. And Europe is falling apart, it's own ideology - the solidarity, has been shaken with the walls built along the borders.

What is to be expected?

It's just a rough prediction, based on all history lessons I've learned studying the Uranus transit throughout the years. The pattern always is: initiation and huge tension, and than huge and merciless war. And afterwards is the devastation, the ruining. At the end, a new power in lead with the world.

I can predict huge military clash. We shall see more and more warfare in the beginning right there, at the Middle East. At first, only through air attacks, and than afterwards in actual field combats. Many old territories will be fragmented, and new will emerge. Downfall of great nations. When is all this to be expected?

2018. When Uranus enters Taurus.

2024 Uranus transits over Algol, the worst fixed star that brings all the misery and destruction, now will bring the worst clash ever. Potential use of massive destruction weapons, maybe nuclear, chemical, or some new, still unheard of, or still unproduced. There will be no winners and no defeated: just lots of dead people.

The spirits in Germany will be shaken: they will tire of baring the burden of "unified" Europe, and Europe Union will dissolve. I expect huge change-course events to come right from there.

Next after Syria, as nation Aries, being already destructed, I expect the impact of fragmentation of lands and borders to fall into Turkey and it's territory to shrink considerably. Especially in the East.

I fear a lot for Israel. Being nation under influence of Aries, also like Syria and bordered with all-muslim states, it's involvement in the clash is almost imminent. But I'm not certain that the outcome will be favorable for Israel... 

Unfortunately for me, I think that Balkans will be again the bloodbath of Europe. Even predominantly inhabited with Slavic peoples, much similar one to another, there is fear in me that they will fight each other. Again. And again because of religion. Orthodox, Catholic and Muslim will explode like a barrel of gunpowder. But I don't expect this this before 2024. New borders, new territories, new countries even.

As for Russia, I expect that it shall gain more territories and power (Russia being nation Aquarius, thus Uranus, in Taurus = territories). Like it always has, throughout history, after great warfare activities. 

USA is the world's undisputed superpower currently. There is no way they will stay aside from this mess, much because most of it was actually created by them, and their 500 billion dollars annual military budget. But, any kind of involvement from their part will be unfortunate upon them. History teaches us that leaders are always dethroned after this kind of Uranus transit (Uranus being ruiner of the old and creator of the new, revolution, leader-sacker), bringing to us new ones to lead. USA on the long scale shall be fragmented also, much alike the European Union, because of it's multi-national structure of the population. I don't expect this to happen before Uranus reaches Leo, year 2038.

Who will lead? Russia? No. It's going to strengthen a lot, like never before, but it will be affected too much from the turmoils. And it is not yet their time to lead the world. Age of Aquarius is yet long, 2300 years from now.

I expect some other country, possibly a mix of various countries from the third world. Japan maybe. Brazil. India.

China for sure. But not before year 2050.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Massacre in Ankara

The third quadrant ingress chart for Ankara brings Jupiter exactly into the Medium Coeli, opposed to Neptune in the exact 4th. Exactly after 17 days from 23th September, Mars comes in exact conjunction with Jupiter and the Mid-heaven over capital of Turkey. October the 10th.

It is useless to look for the logic after something occurs, but at least, we can learn something.

There are just too many capital cities in the world, for one could sit and calculate every possible transit, solar return, or ingress... And this is not my conclusion, this is me just being human. God help the wounded and let the dead rest in peace. They were marching ... for peace.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Uranus in Aries: A little analysis - Part Two

On 30th September Russia began attacking targets of ISIS in Syria, entering for the first time in warfare activities since the break of the Soviet Union. A few days ago, they launched 26 cruise missiles from Caspian Sea, targeting infrastructure of so-called Islamic State (IS). Astrologically, it was only a matter of time when it would happen. Also, as I researched in the Part One, always after Uranus transiting Aries, comes it's transit in Taurus, where the biggest ruining and devastation could be done. NATO is preparing a response, saying they would "defend" themselves...

We, the people, are no fools. We understand everything, and we are enough intelligent to disclose the "big picture", at least for ourselves. We know that every war that is fought, or at least 90% of the wars are because of resources. Who controls the resources has the power. Who controls the routes, has the power. It has been like that and it is so now.

In the past few years, Europe has become very dependent of Russian gas and oil, which, to say honestly, is cheap and has all the infrastructure. In contrast to that, Russia has made enormous income from it, one of the basis of their economical rebirth. The average's people standard rose. Who lived in Moscow, was witness of a switch in the average salary, from 100 dollars, to 2,3 or 4 thousand dollars per month. Not to talk about the companies. So, it was West on the move.

The main route for Russian gas was Ukraine, the pipes pass through its lands. Janukovich was no good, but his violent deposition was evident, although he resigned and said would organize new elections. It was the pretext for Russian blockade and sanctions. But, Europe still cannot replace the supplies of resources it's getting from Russia.

Syria was always traditional partner of USSR. And now of Russia. Why? Syria is natural territorial obstacle for Saudi Arabia's gas to reach Europe. That way it would become less dependent of the Russian one. (Who controls the routes, has the power!). So, in one way or another, "Arab Spring" was either created, or supported. Libya, full with oil, fell. Egypt, with the Suez Canal, was important transport spot. But now, the most important point was Syria, where Saudi gas would transit on it's European journey. So, I don't believe that the Syrian Rebels, trained in the Western countries and supported by them, are fighting for democracy, nor civil rights. I don't believe also that Russians care so much if al-Assad is still legally elected president or not. Everything is about power. That's why Syria is so important.

And why is Russia so important? It's up north, it's cold and has 8 months' winter. Because 150 million people own 1/4 of world's resources. Even if it's 1/8, or 1/16, it's huge. Most are still intact, while the other 3/4 are in fast utilization by the rest of 6 billion and 750 million inhabitants of the earth. Who has the resources, has the power, the lesson from history.

Syria is an important brick in Russian power-wall. What is going to happen? Read in Part Three.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Uranus in Aries: A history lesson. What next?

We can all agree that Uranus entering Aries means that the world as we know it won't be the same anymore. History verifies that. And history teaches us about the future.

Uranus entered Aries in 2010. Googling this subject, tons of posts and analyses emerged, made by numerous astrologers. Some precise, some less precise, but they all agree that it causes unrest, turmoil, conflicts and wars. I dwelled on the subject a few sleepless nights, and it turned out that there are some points that need to be revealed.

Once in a century Uranus enters Aries. And the wheel is set in motion. In this one, it gave the world the "Arab Spring", where countries from North Africa to Turkey, all in line had big turmoils, revolutions, overthrowing of governments, even wars, such as in Libya and Syria. Now, with Syria, even the world is having a problem.

For the last century, astrologers are pointing that it caused the big economic crisis from 1930's, and rise to power of a destructive force, such as Hitler's Nazi Party. Ok. Let's go on.

For XIX Uranus enters Aries in 1843. Astrologers point the big revolutions that occurred throughout Europe in 1848. Ok again. Usually the analysis stop here, with the point made, but we have computers today, with wonderful programs for astrology. Don't need ephemeris and manual calculations to set the time machine,  yes? Now it's easy. So, going further.

Seven Years' War, from 1756 to 1763, found Uranus entering Aries in 1760. It was the first actual war fought on the entire globe, with more than 1 million casualties, almost 150 years before the "actual" World War I. Than in 1677 it's the Franco-Dutch war, and we see it culminating with the clash of two big nations and different religions, the Turkish invasion in Austria, which ended with Turkish defeat at the Battle of Vienna in 1683, taking more than 400 000 participants and having more than 100 000 casualties. 

In 14th century it enters Aries in 1342, and four years latter, in 1346, the Black Death emerged, the most devastating pandemics of plague in human history, killing around 200 000 people, or one third of Europe's population, before it's end in 1353. Now Uranus was not alone, but conjoint with Pluto, giving the mass-death moment. It also marks the beginning of the 100 years' war Between France and England.

Also, Saladin's rise to power was marked with period of Uranus transiting in Aries in 12th century

In 11th it was popes' (Urban II) speech in Clermont 1095 and call for liberation of Gods Grave in Jerusalem, that set in motion the Crusades, and also the First Crusade in 1096-99.

Of course, there are many, many more conflicts that were held in other periods, not necessarily connected with an Uranus transit, or other such as when Uranus was in Leo, with French Revolution, killing the King and paving the road for Napoleon (France is nation Leo, Napoleon was also Leo), or the American Civil War, when Uranus was in Gemini (USA being a nation Gemini). Analogies are a lot and can be interpreted either way. Of course, there are a few other big planets to consider, such as Pluto and Saturn, and Mars, of course, when destruction is in question.

We can draw one conclusion though: Aries is a sign that agitates all the planet's nature, giving it new dimension, a rebirth. After the confusion and the ending from the Pisces, new power is rising. In our case, with the Uranus, we are talking about an unpredictable force, sometimes with destructive powers, that can emerge with a blink of an eye. Uranus being ruler of Aquarius - it's never about the evil, it is always about some humane reason, for a greater cause that shall be seen in the near or far future. You will ask me what kind of humane reason can there be in war? Well, spilling the bad blood? Cutting off the metastatic arm before it reaches the whole body? It hurts in the beginning, but it bypasses life.

It's always something about some Aries nation, such as Great Britain or Germany. And Russia (also Poland, Sweden), as Uranus is it's ruler.  Afterwards they either flourish, such as Great Britain and Prussia after Seven Years' War, or there is destruction, as of Germany in WW II (the most of which was done by the Russians-Uranus, in Germany-the Aries!). And it is always something about the Middle East: Jerusalem, Israel, Lebanon or Syria in question (all influenced by Aries), such as the Crusades, Saladin's great state, rise and fall of the Turks. Today, it's all about Syria.

And, it all starts in Aries. But the true destructive force comes to power in most of the cases when Uranus reaches Taurus. Mundanely, Taurus means lands, plains, grain, food, resources. But that is my goal for the next post.

p.s. Look for the logics: Syria being Aries, and more than 80% of the refugees want to settle in Germany - Aries. Coincidence? Think so? Read my opinion in Part Two.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Antonio Vivaldi

François Morellon de La Cave: the supposed portrait of Antonio Vivaldi, held in
Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica in Bologna, Italy (Picture source: Wikipedia)
I can never get enough of Vivaldi: I go to work with earphones plugged in my ears, read books, work astrology, I even whitewashed a few of the rooms in my house, raising the eyebrows of my neighbors. Sometimes falling asleep: with closed eyes, after only a few bars, sights of Venice appear in front of me. All that with his unique music. And believe me, it's not all about the "Four Seasons", there is a lot more: violin cycles "La Cetra", "L'estro Armonico", to name a few among 253 others. Beethoven makes me upset. Bach is somehow strict, and Mozart is sometimes too bright, logical... and happy. Tchaikovsky - sad and heartbreaking. I write this post while I listen his "La Stravaganza". Hollywood music is a pale copy compared to Vivaldi's oboe concertos. How many more are there for me to discover?!? And yes, this was blog about astrology. 

A music fan (I do music for a living, actually) such as I am, and a classical one, I always wanted to peak into my favorite composer's lives. Astrologically, of course. But, sometimes we are not certain about the dates, not to mention the exact hours of birth.

We are sure about his birth date, 4th of March 1678: there was earthquake short before his birth. Than, we search for some known facts about his life, trying to get some pointers about the possible planetary positions, and than rectifying the birth chart.
Pier Leone Ghezzi's "Il Prete Rosso"
  • He was the greatest violinist of his time, violin virtuoso from early age, and as composer he modified the structure of the concertos, with works that show real genius (influence of Uranus);
  • He was ordained priest (something with 4th, 9th or 12th house);
  • Ill health;
  • He worked most his life in an orphanage (12th house) "Ospedale della Pieta", mostly as a music teacher (5th house);
  • Rumors about love affairs with young girls that were usually his students (again 5th house);
  • Mighty benefactors, such as state of Venice, emperor Charles VI, the pope Benedict XIII, but he was never rich and actually he died impoverished (something wrong with 2nd house) in an unknown conditions (12th house);
  • His grave in Vienna was destructed (afflicted ruler or a bad planet in 4th house);
  • Lots of mysteries and myths regarding his life, but little facts. His works are still emerging from some attics or archives, even today.
One of my starting pointers was his caricature by Pier Leone Ghezzi. In caricatures there are always some parts of our body that are very likely to be exaggerated by the artist in his depiction. However exaggerated, look at his nose extended in line with the forehead, leaned backwards! That is not Pisces, but influence of Mars and Aries!

I open my Astrolog program and I look for Aries on March 4th, 1678. I find Uranus also in Aries! I decide to rectify it on the Ascendant, coming to 7:30 in the morning. And here's what I've got:

Antonio Vivaldi birth chart
It all matches!

Look: almost 8 of the planets are in the 12th, 1st, and 2nd house - introvert life, self consciousness, self oriented person.

First of all, Uranus on the Ascendant gave his genius mind, both as a composer, and as virtuoso violinist, arguably the best in centuries. Acangelo Corelli? Handel? Bach? Great names, but not a chance. Maybe only Paganini was better as a composer/performer violinist, but he was born years after Vivaldi's death. 

Yes, he was Aquarian type of character: original, unpredictable, acting suddenly and strangely. It was certainly the reason why he produced so much music, having torrents of inspiration. 50 operas or more, over 600 concertos, numbers of sacred music, cantatas. Highly independent and freedom loving: maybe he never wanted to become priest, all he wanted was the music, but was forced by his poor family; they thought that if he became priest, he would be taken care of for the rest of his life by the gracious church. And he did so, probably still very young to disobey them. Once ordained, he participated in a Mass only a few times, always skipping his ecclesiastical duties (he was actually officially excused from Masses by the church authorities, but remained priest), laying blame on his ill health, the strettezza di petto ("tightness of the chest"). Rumors say that he sometimes faked his chest attacks: even as a spectator in the Masses, he would complain about his health and leave the ceremonies, only to be found in the nearby chambers, with note sheets, writing his accidental music idea. Something you certainly would expect from Uranian character! The unexpected and unconventional! Being opposed to the rules, defying the dangerous and going against it in the unknown; once appointed as a music teacher in Ospedale della Pieta, it's management always had problems with authority over him: he wanted to push through his own ideas an methods, even though it meant he would be jobless.

Going old, he sold everything in Venice, quit his job and got settled in Vienna, only to die a few years after. Never understood from the environment, living for the future times, high love for humanity with revolutionary ideas: if it wasn't for him, maybe the violin technique wouldn't advance so rapidly. Through the violin, and through all the music he composed, he gave all the love he felt for the human kind, making their lives even to these (future) days a little happier and brighter. That message still doesn't cease... And I could go on and on about Uranus. One could learn with such a situations. Notable people with Uranus on the Ascendant were inventors and pioneers such as Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, Robert Louis Stevenson, revolutionaries Oliver Cromwell, Ernesto Che Guevara. Leonardo da Vinci. I think Beethoven also was Uranian type, but that is a subject for some other research!

 Vivaldi's manuscript of the Inverno, or "Winter" from the "Four Seasons"
Vivaldi's manuscript of the Inverno, or "Winter" from the "Four Seasons"
Aries rising, is what gave Vivaldi the looks and the outer appearance: another proof for my rectified birth hour. His forehead leaned backwards, his erect posture in one of the supposed portraits. I knew a few Aries, they were neat and organized impeccably. And their handwriting - like a typed on a computer. The scores he wrote, you can put them on your note-stand and play straight away from them. See for yourself.
Two of the most significant planets in Vivaldi's horoscope switched their places, modus domum. Ruler of 1st house is Mars, it's in Aquarius in 12th. It means: life spent in a hospital, asylum, monastery, social institution, or in his case - the orphanage. And ruler of 12th is Uranus in the 1st (because 1st house is second from 12th): gains and benefits from hospitals, asylums, (in Aries) a call for some kind of order and organization (they couldn't imagine Ospedale music department without him), which he did in his own, original way (Uranus). 

Full 12th house, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Sun, plus Neptune going there: isolation, solitude, separated ascetic life, fear from life and death produces self torments, so they want to be near people, but totally alone (I knew two people with full 12th, and I asked them what would happen if they were stuck on a deserted island, and both gave me the same answer - kill themselves!). I think it was his forceful destiny to become a kind of a monk, a secular hermit, or in his case - a priest without duties. About his employment in social institution, such as the orphanage Ospedale, talks the ruler of the 6th, the Sun, right there in the 12th. It is the Sun, conjunct with Jupiter: he became sort of artistic manager there (altogether with his opaque Uranian character), and the institution became leader in the cultural events in Venice, luring mighty and wealthy tourists. He got the most of it possible. Watching a BBC documentary I learned also that the new church of Pieta, built on the same place where the old Pieta was standing, was strictly designed by Vivaldi's acoustic demands. Look for yourself about Vivaldi, his duties and the full 12th house here.

His solar sign, Pisces, and the emphasized 12th house altogether mean some level of melancholy, nostalgia, seeking some untouchable world. Despite the vivid, lively, vigorous, motor-like impeccable flow (derived from his Aries/Uranus - Mars/Aquarius constellation) of the rhythms and harmonies he usually uses, there is some sad, I would say longing and wistful flavor in his expression, especially in his minor movements. It's his trademark source, that makes his music unique and recognizable. The seventh part of his Stabat Mater, Eja Mater, draws us the picture. You can sit, listen and cry.

Being poor towards the end matches Saturn in 2nd house. But why wasn't he during his life? I explain this as follows: Saturn rules his 10th house, or the Mid Heaven, and 2nd is 5th counted from the 10th: lots of benefactors, and powerful ones (symbolism of 10th - emperor Charles VI, king Louis XV, the pope, and of course the Republic of Venice; lots of them actually visited Pieta and Vivaldi's work), who didn't refrained to order some fine piece of music for themselves. Luckily, Saturn is not afflicted, it has sextile with Uranus (as ruler of 12th, it's likely that his "customer's" orders at first were brought anonymously, with interesting conditions, maybe in the beginning for free) and sextile with the Moon. If it was Jupiter in question, he would own half of Italy with such benefactors. But, it was Saturn, and he had to sell masterpieces for not as much money as their valued, and (Saturn is the evil, no matter how good he is posed, with time, it's true nature will come up) eventually it all goes away some day. When? Ruler of 2nd is Venus, afflicted with the Moon in 5th (Moon rules 4th and 5th): for love, but this time not towards humanity, but love for a (Moon) woman. No pension, no insurance, Saturn rules 11th also (the fruits of our life), and you can apply the same explanation.

Was he in love? I believe so. Between many of his students, there was a certain singer, Anna Tessieri Giro. Vivaldi met her at one of his trips (3rd, travels is Mercury, in sextile with Venus, the partner) to Mantua, and she came to live with his sister in Vivaldi's home. Asked whether he is having an affair with her, he denied it. No question, 12th won't let him go, he is too much private person. Ruler of 5th, Moon, in the 5th, can signify love with students (he was teacher in Ospedale and all students were girls - Moon!). Giro was also his student, Moon in Cancer - much younger, and she was, 23 years younger than him. I do not exclude that he was romantically involved with many more girls from Ospedale, but it was more of a emotional connection in question (unlike his fellow citizen Casanova, who had Mars in 5th house). Once he found his true, greatest love, Giro, he could consider her as a partner. He loved her, that's for sure, his 7th house is in Libra, ruler is Venus in 1st: the partner enters us emotionally, life becomes all about the partner; in Aries, in detriment - only one love, that causes much pain. Venus in beautiful sextile with Mars would say that probably with her there was more than emotional contact! Certainly she was a sensual partner, and with Mercury: gifted, skillful as a singer, that gives us everything we crave for. But never marriage: Venus square with the Moon - some deep guilt that having great love can be spoiled with a marriage, some antagonism Vivaldi felt inside that wouldn't leave him in peace.

He spent his last days in a hotel room (again, significance of 12th house) in Vienna (now hotel Sacher, near the Opera House). Getting very sick, and being out of funds, he was admitted in a hospital for the poor near Karlskirche, where he died on 28 July 1741. The destiny was fulfilled: ruler of the 8th (the place of death) is Mars in 12th - in a hospital for poor. He was buried in the graveyard of the hospital with modest ceremony.  

Vivaldi's Solar return for 1741
 Let us look at the solar return for 4th March 1741. Ruler of the Solar year is the Sun in 8th - house of severe illness and death. Together with Mercury: I believe he was still conscious when he died. Bad planets in 6th (Uranus) 12th (Mars and Saturn) and 4th (Pluto) - indication of a rapidly declining health. But he hasn't any bad aspects with the major planets, he has a "triangle", or trine with SO,ME 120 MA 120 PL? These are good, positive aspects, that fulfill a person's most intimate will! I once spoke with a father and asked for a date and hour of birth of his son, who died that same year, with a solar return such as this, full with trines: after a big dissapointment in love, he became progressed diabetic, having his kidneys failed in only one year - he just wanted to die, he had enough from pain and suffering. Was Vivaldi so ill he wanted this? Or was he dissatisfied how his great life journey with music has finished? Has he thought that all was for nothing? Was this the reason why he maybe wanted to finish everything? Anna Giro was with him when he died. I'm not surprised if she has left some notes about her life with his great man, that will come up in the future to come.

4th is about the legacy. It's ruler (Moon) is in 5th in Cancer: all about the stage, about the masses, about their amusement (5th!). 4th means also memory, remembrance: he is remembered not because he was a priest, nor a teacher, nor a great violinist, but what he left behind, and that was all about 5th house: the stage, the audience, the masses, concerts, future performances yet to come. And there will emerge "Vivaldians" more and more. Believe me. He will take his place next to Bach in the Baroque, as he deserves!

But, in his 4th came Pluto, one fatal planet, planet of destruction, also about the influence and strike upon the masses. I believe this, together with his full 12th house (the mysticism, the secrecy), is why his works were forgotten nearly 200 years after his death, up until the beginning of 20th century. And yet, he is mostly known for his Il cimento dell’armonia e dell’inventione, "The Contest Between Harmony and Invention", where his tremendously extra popular Le quattro stagioni, or "Four Seasons" were consisted. Something is wrong with his works that are still buried in Venice's and world archives. Will his legacy emerge in total? Pluto is conjunct with fixed star Sirius: I believe so. Works are still emerging from private libraries, attics and Venetian state archive. Unbelievable. And take my word, in the far future, his Opera works (4th, legacy, in 5th - stage!) will emerge from the Belcanto shadows and bless us with it's beautiful harmonies. May God be gracious upon us an let us see that miracle happen! 

Where is Pluto, there is destruction. In his horoscope, it came up in 4th house, the grave. After 50 years, in 1789, the hospital was demolished, together with the graveyard. It happened when Uranus was transiting through his 4th house (the grave) touching his natal Pluto, and transiting Pluto just entering his 12th. On the same spot a great building was erected, Vienna University of Technology, one of the greatest universities in Europe, opened in 1815. 

Again, nothing is accidental: ruler of his 4th house (the grave) is the Moon (mass of people) in 5th (school), indicating that his final resting place is in a school, among mass (Cancer) of students (5th). And it may be destructed, but it is not forgotten, I believe because of Sirius (fixed star, conjunct with Pluto). There is an inscription, facing Karlskirche and Karlsplatz reminding common people like us about the resting place of a great man.

It says: "At this spot, up until 1789 was Burgerspitals or Armensunder-Gottesacker;
Antonio Vivaldi born on 4 March 1678 in Venice was here on 28 July 1741 buried. Dedicated to the 300th birthday Creditanstalt-Bankverein (1978)"
When I thought I was done with the synthesis, a new one appeared while translating this text: the financier of this inscription was the largest bank in Austria, for Vivaldi's 300th birth anniversary. Again, his 10th (benefactors) in 2nd (now, it was bank in question, and obviously he couldn't take any money, because he is dead). If it weren't for them, we, the commoners, wouldn't know this fact. (Jupiter and Venus transiting his 4th house in May 1978: was then this panel was erected?)

Scrolling through my text, checking it for mistakes, I suddenly realize one more thing from Mundane Astrology: he was born when in Venice was an earthquake. Uranus is rising on the Ascendant (sudden, unpredictable), and Pluto (destruction) is in the 4th in the Imum Coeli (the bottom of the sky) in Cancer (Venice being town ruled by Moon and Cancer): is this possible? A great man was born when the earth shook? Or, even better: the ground shook when a great man came to Earth to shake it!

So, can Astrology give us the answers for our lives? You think? I do know!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Bankruptcy of Macedonia! Downfall of the government round the end of the year

Let us be clear: Gruevski won't fall because of the tapped phone calls, affairs, crimes, or the protests that opposition is having. Nothing touches them and nobody can do anything. They have answer about everything and screenplay about everything. But, they don't about one single thing: the money. When you run out of money, you are not anymore a factor. 

I pose my prediction and I challenge all the astrologers: This government will fall because of  lack of funds for maintaining their own system.

Here how do I explain that: in all four Ingress quadrant charts for Macedonia, Pluto is in the 2. house. It has bad aspects all four occasions with some planet. Milekic says: "Robbery of the national wealth, gaining wealth through death, war or illegal state affairs."

The most important question? When will this government fall? I give the prediction: October/November 2015. Why? In the third Ingress for 2015 Saturn (poverty, misery, trade deficit) is in the first house, the house of the people. Mars is exactly in the Mid heaven: death in the ruling circles, problems for the government, possible war. Saturn square Mars: will the people take the things in their own hands? If we want to look in the details, we will look in the transits of Mars over the chart of 8th September 1991. The whole process will start in the second half of May when Mars transits into second house. Haven't they begun already?

Will the problems become evident this summer? We know that it is enough for only one month there not to be salary for the people, and the whole system will block itself immediately: the money won't circulate - there won't be any money to circulate. Potential collapse. 

The mass of the planets (Sun, Moon - that might mean that the people is with the opposition, Mars and Uranus) in the fourth house in the first Ingress quadrant chart, that is general picture for the whole year, indicates the strengthening of the opposition and its more certain overtake of the government. I snoop into the Ingres charts from 2012 year, about the "in-famous" 24 December: in those times, except for Saturn in the edge of the 4th house, and in the fourth Ingress from December (in the moment of the protests), there was nothing. So nothing happened. 

And until then? We'll have long, heavy and hot summer.

Today, while I edit this text, situation in Macedonia is escalating. All that is part of the story that follows. Unfortunately there are hurt and injured. Opportunity for a few analysis more.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Nepal earthquake

Again my favorite subject, the Mundane Astrology. Even though I was preparing to write about the political situation in Macedonia, the disaster in Nepal made me go back years ago when I stayed vigil countless nights over the charts of Skopje earthquake from 1963, the one in Montenegro 1979, Lisbon 1755, San Francisco 1906... I couldn't find the nuance that will define the pattern. Is it about Uranus? Maybe Saturn? Important place of the chart over fix star? Which one? A transit perhaps? Eclipse? You just want to call it a day and simply quit the whole thing. And nevertheless, there are countless victims.

"Long live" computer programs. When you count for Nepal, you should really sweat, Nepal Standard Time is 6 hours and no less then 30 minutes different from GMT. There is more: be careful, this year the Nepalese didn't plan a daylight savings!

The Ingress for Kathmandu March 21 2015
For the Ingress chart of the first quadrant of 2015 (which generally depicts the situation throughout the year, the other Ingress quadrants just show the nuances), we have Saturn exactly at the Mid-heaven over Kathmandu. Indicator of great disaster. Uranus exact square with Pluto in Cappricornus - the earth shatters. But when?
Time of the earthquake
Uranus is exactly at the top of the sky in the hour of the earthquake. Seven out of ten planets lay in conjunction with fix star (Sun, Venus, Moon with Ascedent, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Neptune).

On April 22, the Ingress chart from March 21 2015 is transited by Mars, together with Mercury in trine to Pluto and square to Jupiter.

Nepal is formed on September 25th 1768 (regardless of the turmoils from 2007 and 2008): transiting Uranus is in exact square with Saturn. On April 17 there are also transiting Mars 0 Mars and tr. Mercury 0 Uranus.

The one thing crystal clear is that the ruler for the Ingress quadrant of March 21 2015 is Uranus, in second house in conjunction with Mars and square with Pluto - economic earthquake, poverty, bankruptcy, all the worse about the second mundane house. There are analysis already circulating:

All these are indicators that there should be big problems. But, can you predict out of the blue  the earthquake? Without guessing? Without gibberish?

Many, many more analyses, many more vigil nights, and even more knowledge are required so you can help people with it.

Sometimes, it is not enough.