Saturday, May 9, 2015

Bankruptcy of Macedonia! Downfall of the government round the end of the year

Let us be clear: Gruevski won't fall because of the tapped phone calls, affairs, crimes, or the protests that opposition is having. Nothing touches them and nobody can do anything. They have answer about everything and screenplay about everything. But, they don't about one single thing: the money. When you run out of money, you are not anymore a factor. 

I pose my prediction and I challenge all the astrologers: This government will fall because of  lack of funds for maintaining their own system.

Here how do I explain that: in all four Ingress quadrant charts for Macedonia, Pluto is in the 2. house. It has bad aspects all four occasions with some planet. Milekic says: "Robbery of the national wealth, gaining wealth through death, war or illegal state affairs."

The most important question? When will this government fall? I give the prediction: October/November 2015. Why? In the third Ingress for 2015 Saturn (poverty, misery, trade deficit) is in the first house, the house of the people. Mars is exactly in the Mid heaven: death in the ruling circles, problems for the government, possible war. Saturn square Mars: will the people take the things in their own hands? If we want to look in the details, we will look in the transits of Mars over the chart of 8th September 1991. The whole process will start in the second half of May when Mars transits into second house. Haven't they begun already?

Will the problems become evident this summer? We know that it is enough for only one month there not to be salary for the people, and the whole system will block itself immediately: the money won't circulate - there won't be any money to circulate. Potential collapse. 

The mass of the planets (Sun, Moon - that might mean that the people is with the opposition, Mars and Uranus) in the fourth house in the first Ingress quadrant chart, that is general picture for the whole year, indicates the strengthening of the opposition and its more certain overtake of the government. I snoop into the Ingres charts from 2012 year, about the "in-famous" 24 December: in those times, except for Saturn in the edge of the 4th house, and in the fourth Ingress from December (in the moment of the protests), there was nothing. So nothing happened. 

And until then? We'll have long, heavy and hot summer.

Today, while I edit this text, situation in Macedonia is escalating. All that is part of the story that follows. Unfortunately there are hurt and injured. Opportunity for a few analysis more.

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