Thursday, July 14, 2022

Life in another dimension - Uranus and Algol on Ascendant: Nikola Tesla

 Born once in 1000-2000 years, 166 years ago on 19 July 1856 #Tesla was the incarnation of a modern #Prometheus, who stole from the #Gods and gave people the godly fire. I can compare his destiny as being even similar to #Jesus, who lived and sacrificed his life only to save people from the sins and show them eternal life.

Tesla dedicated his life to humanity, in giving them completely #free #energy, #wireless #electricity so powerful, harmless, perpetual, inexhaustible, and powered from the earth itself.

In doing so, he went even beyond the material planes into #spiritual ones, in proving the existence of the fifth element, the #ether. He was true embodiment of a super-human, uber-mensch, who is believed has cracked the essence of life and existence here on earth.

Learning the lesson the "hard" way with Prometheus and Jesus, after learning about the goals of his work, the ruling class of our time stopped #Tesla in giving humanity the key for free energy, in helping them become better humans; made him tore down his tower in #Colorado, and made him live secluded life in a New York hotel. After his death, all his works were confiscated and is believed the essential ones are still kept as a top secret. Some of the few we were left with are the alternating current, which is not free, isn't self-sustained, it comes with a meter and it's point is to be charged, not available if you don't pay, leaving the humanity in dependence, slavery to the grid, to the "network", to the system.
Many stole from him, but he didn't care, he was happy that something he invented (he preferred "recognized"), was "allowed" to be launched "through somebody". Radio frequency and wireless signal are based on his discoveries.

Astrologically? The whole point is the moment of his birth. His soul was incarnated on the most peculiar moment! Look at his #Ascendant. Right there is #Uranus, and the fixed star #Algol, on 24 degrees. There is nothing from the #Cancer, nor #Taurus, but all-in #Aquarius: sacrifice to humanity, and Algol: beyond the comprehension, beyond our perception, with another frequency, from another world...